4 Kasım 2012 Pazar

Translation: "Virtue is like a rich stone, best plain set"

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Francis Bacon's Of Beauty has "Virtue is like a rich stone, best plain set". What is exactly "best plain set"? According to
leonAzul on this page, it means, best if placed against or in front of a plain setting or background. Hence my translation:


水天�, perhaps the best Chinese translator of Francis Bacon's works, has the same understanding, with this translation:

compared to others'

德行犹如å®�石,朴素最美  <-- Not right
善犹如å®�石,以镶嵌自然为美  <-- Correct
美德好比å®�石,在幽暗背景的衬托下å��而更显å��è´µ  <-- Over-"translated"; where's 幽暗?

(The above Chinese translations are collected at fangçš„BLOG)

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